Welcome to The Yankee Classic 2025! It’s time to make plans and set the new goals! Registration is open now and you can book your room through the link at www.theyankeeclassic.com.
Yankee Classic is the proud member of Dancers Cup Tour, where all the Professional semifinalists receive the prize money. We have extra Pro-Am Newcomer and Senior Scholarships. Special Top Awards for The Students and The Teachers and points towards the finale with the chance to win Top Cash Awards.
Yankee Classic is also proud member of The World Pro-Am Dancesport series, Best of The Best series and Fordney Foundation.
Yankee Classic is part of NDCA National Ranking System, competitors receive points.
Minimum 9 Adjudicators will be working during Multi Dance events and 7 Adjudicators for the single dances.
Eddie Melendez- Drummer & Percussionist Extraordinaire will be performing during all evening sessions.
Complementary Hot Buffet and refreshments will be available in the ballroom during all day sessions and The Night Club.
We increased The Price Money for Top Teachers from last year. Extra Female Top Teacher Awards!
Under 21 and Youth Scholarships Price Money!
Hospitality Suite with be available for all guests every night from Wednesday with home style food and drinks.
Don’t miss the exciting invitational Team Match American vs International Styles on Saturday night! 2 Pro and 2 Pro-Am couples will compete in each style.
I’m excited to see you all in June in Boston and bring you the best possible hospitality and experience!